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SESSION 6 – Early Childhood

In Sessions Four and Five, you learned to stop persisting in doing the things you are addicted to and that you’re competent, incompetent and excellent at. The direct result is that you free up time and space for your Genius.

Sessions Six and Seven will help you bring your Genius into clearer focus.

We often get glimpses of our Genius in our early childhoods.

Here’s an example of Gay’s Genius appearing at age four:

For me (Gay), my journey of conscious living, which has taken me around the world over thirty times, began with a trip from one end of my grandmother’s parlor to the other in a sleepy backwater town in the Deep South where I grew up.

I mounted my new tricycle, just received the day before for my birthday. This rainy day I was given special permission to ride it inside the house, providing I obeyed certain traffic laws.

I pedaled carefully across the carpet to the other end of my grandmother’s parlor, where I had set up a large cardboard box with a door and window cut out of it. I braked to a halt in the spot I’d designated as my parking place. I stepped through the door into my office, resting my haunches on an orange crate. My grandfather and I constructed my “shingle,” drawn in red crayon, which I now placed outside my office.

The sign said:


My life work was under way.

I made it very clear to my family that I would not give advice on medical issues; I considered physical problems not to be worthy of my attention. Any old doctor could fix those. I explained that I was a special kind of doctor. They were welcome to come to me with problems of how to feel better inside and how to get along better with each other. Since my vocabulary was limited, it was hard to get the idea across to them. Also, this was in a time and a part of the world where psychology and psychiatry were virtually unknown, certainly to me. But I had a deep inner knowing of what I was interested in. My province was the borderland between heart and mind and soul.

Business was slower that I expected. In fact, I don’t recall any member of my family ever seeking my advice. They were a stubborn bunch who were more accustomed to dispensing wisdom than receiving it. For that matter, they were much more inclined to dispense wisdom than to practice any of it on themselves!

However, I can understand their lack of enthusiasm to use my services. It’s probably not easy for the average senior citizen to accept advice on conscious living from a person in short pants, especially one who conducts his practice in a cardboard box and commutes to work on a tricycle. Call it the confidence factor.

Even though my practice got off to a modest beginning, I was confident that someday my time would come.

From Gay’s story, we see his Genius and life purpose emerging through his play, enthusiasm and deeper knowing.

In the Journal, BodyMind Harmonizing™ and Challenge sections of Session 6, lets explore our early childhoods to see what clues we can get about our Genius.

(NOTE: Each of the thirteen (13) sessions of the Genius Course Online contain Lesson and Journal, BodyMind Harmonizing™ and Challenge sections.)

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